Wednesday 15 July 2009

Updates: Diet in school

Gabby has made some improvement on her diet. She has finally eaten half of the tuna mayo sandwich during tea break yesterday. This comment may seem strange to some parents but Gabby is a selective eater. According to the teacher, since day 1, she had been refusing food like fish, vegetables (all kinds), mushroom, honeydew, watermelon, apple with skin, etc….. . She only consumes carbo and soup (her favourite and will finish by herself). As she is still new to the environment (coming to 2 weeks), the teachers have been lenient towards her for the time being.

According to the VP, Gabby was arranged to sit with the peers that enjoy food a lot. They hope with the peer pressure, it will motivate her to eat and it works. She had been observing her peers finishing the sandwiches fast and asking for 2nd and even 3rd helpings. In turn, she starts her sandwich by tearing off the edge of the bread (which has the most tuna flakes) and scrubbed as much tuna off the remaining of the bread before she ate it. She also drank ¼ cup of milo.

According to the VP, kids like Gabby, who is a selective eater will eventually improves once they reached Kindergarten. As they needed more energy for their daily activities, they will be eating more and better. Another factor is they are constantly been feed with the food that the CC gives, it’s only a matter of time before their body senses (taste, visual, smell) will get use to it. So there is hope for all selective eaters, so long we parents don’t give up. For me, I’m more relaxed than before. At least Gabby had been eating sweets, chocolate and many others things on many occasion. I believe the important of having balance diet with enjoyment. So Gabby, Gambetta!

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